The 2nd Wind Fleet

2nd Wind - RI Built Albin 35 TE
2nd Wind - RI Built Albin 35 TE
Fortier 33 vessel moving in ocean
Powerful and Proud - Fortier 33
Dragonfly - Iconic Dyer - 28 in ocean
Dragonfly - Iconic Dyer - 28

Welcome A-Board

The Board is currently reaching out to a select list of several hundred maritime businesses, boat and equipment manufacturers, designers, service providers, hotels and restaurants and charitable foundations to solicit their membership, sponsorship and contributions.

2nd Wind is in the process of creating a captivating video photo-journal which will be accessible on You Tube and this website. These online resources as well as onboard excursions, will enable those less able due to health or age to participate and enjoy Rhode Island’s wonderful Coastal resources directly or vicariously.

These excursions will allow invited guests with mobility limitations to experience the Rhode Island coastal environment in a supervised and safe boating context at no charge. These guests will be accompanied each by an assigned caregiver.

Participants will be selected from applications addressed to the Foundation by interested parties. Each guest will be accompanied by their own qualified caregiver, in addition to the captain and crew of the vessel.

Become a Sponsor